Common mistakes when submitting a bid 1. How to avoid mistakes when participating in a public bidding process 2. Errors according to the stages of a p...

Guarantees in public bidding Types of Warranties 1. Provisional guarantee2. Definitive guarantee 2.1 Supplemental warranty 3. Return of Warranty4. Pay...

Main points for a perfect score 1. Valuation Criteria 2. Keys to maximize our score 01 Introduction – Valuation Criteria In order to try to obta...

Steps in a Public Bidding Process 1. Phases of the public bidding process – Macro and Regulatory Scope 2. Steps in the public bidding process &#...

Subcontracting in public procurement Subcontracting in the Law 1. What is new in the LCSP in terms of subcontracting?2. Which parts of the contract ca...

What is a public bidding process? 1. Concept of public bidding2. Types of tenders in Spain3. Examples of tenders 4. Awarding of tenders in Spain5. How...

Multiply your business opportunities in the Public Sector

Whatever your sector, participation in public tenders can only offer you important business opportunities.

    Are you registered in any Official Bidders Register (ROLECE, RELI...)?

    What is your sector or activity?

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