Training in public bidding

At inLicitando we have also taken on different training mandates in Public Tendering from our experience and general knowledge of contractual procedures in Public Procurement.
Since 2018 we have organized different training sessions in this regard to companies of different scope (facilities, supplies, insurance, etc.) and business associations such as the Asociación Empresarial y Unión Patronal Metalúrgica de L’Hospitalet y Baix Llobregat (AEBALL/UMPBALL) and the Associació Catalana d’Empreses de Neteja (ASCEN) who have bet on us in trying to specialize their employees or associates in public tendering.

Our training sessions focus on two areas, although the spirit is always to adapt these sessions to the training needs of our clients.

These two areas are:

From the transposition of the European Directives of application in Law 9/2017 LCSP – Public Sector Contracts Law, to the new contractual modalities by which companies can opt for public aid in the framework of the NextGenerationEU European funds from the resolutions of August 2021, focusing on the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism (RRM), included in this NextGenerationEU and aimed at supporting investment and reforms in Member States to achieve a sustainable and resilient recovery, while promoting the EU’s green and digital priorities.
This MRR provides for each Member State to develop a Recovery and Resilience Plan that includes the necessary reforms and investment projects to achieve the MRR objectives.
In Spain: Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan (PRTR) (published in the BOE No. 103 of 30/04/2021). Under the umbrella of the PRTR, the National Digital Skills Plan (PNCD) is a measure that establishes digital skills among its 10 priority axes, with the aim of “strengthening the digital skills of workers and citizens as a whole”.

In this block and based on published contracting procedures, we analyze the key points of the documentation and work on the virtual presentation of proposals based on the previous requirements, the technical specifications and the appropriate economic analysis to submit winning bids.

In these training sessions, we bring the real experiences of companies that have participated in the Recruitment for the sharing of winning approaches and strategies, as well as the analysis of weaknesses and how to overcome them.

Do you want to apply for a
bid and win it?

Leave it in our hands

We accompany you in the process.

Do not hesitate, contact us

    Are you registered in any Official Bidders Register (ROLECE, RELI...)?

    What is your sector or activity?

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