In compliance with the duty of information the owner of this web domain “” is Francisco Arjona Fernández with NIF, 46737501Y, with address for notification purposes at Avenida 308, Number 26-28 staircase D 1º – 2ª 08860 Castelldefells (Barcelona).

For any questions, suggestions or complaints, the user of this website can contact the following e-mail address




The user agrees to use the information contained in this Internet site for the purposes of the Portal exclusively, specifically for the purpose of obtaining information about the services of inLicitando and not to make directly or indirectly any kind of commercial exploitation other than authorized uses.

The user of the website shall be entitled to free and free access to public information contained therein, although inLicitando reserves the right to restrict access to certain sections and services of the Portal to its registered customers.




The rights relating to industrial and intellectual property (including but not limited to trademarks, logos, text, photographs, icons, images, etc., as well as graphic design, source code and other software elements contained in this website), are the property of inLicitando or other entities that may provide information through the Portal. Therefore, they are subject to intellectual and industrial property rights protected by Spanish and international legislation.

Without the prior written authorization in a reliable manner from inLicitando or, where appropriate, from the entity holding the rights, it is not permitted to use, reproduce, transmit, manipulate, as well as any use that exceeds the use necessary for the visit of the page and the use of the services offered.

Access to the services provided does not imply on the part of inLicitando, nor on the part of the respective owner, waiver, transfer, or total or partial transfer of rights derived from intellectual and industrial property, nor does it attribute rights of use, alteration, exploitation, reproduction, distribution or public communication of these contents without the prior and express written authorization of the respective owners of such rights, without prejudice to the right to view and obtain a private backup copy of such contents, provided that such right is exercised according to the principles of good faith and provided that the intellectual and industrial property of the holder of such rights is kept unaltered, that it is used for non-commercial purposes and exclusively for the user’s personal information.

The responsibility derived from the use of materials protected by the intellectual and industrial property rights contained in this page will correspond exclusively to the user.




This page has been designed by inLicitando to provide information about the company, services, and other activities of the same. The website has contact details and forms through which users can contact the company for the purposes provided in each case, according to the regulation of the clauses of the Portal.

inLicitando reserves the right to make any changes and updates it deems appropriate on the website.




inLicitando shall not be liable for any interruptions that may occur in electrical or telecommunications services that prevent users from using the services offered. Likewise, inLicitando shall not be liable for the Web pages to which it may refer through links or links, banners or other devices, nor for the contents that they may include in their portals.




The information received by inLicitando through this website will be treated with the utmost confidentiality in accordance with current regulations.

In compliance with the provisions of the current legislation on protection of personal data inLicitando informs users who provide personal data that their data will be incorporated into files owned by inLicitando in order to manage this Internet portal. The legal basis for the processing of your data is the consent to be provided at the time of providing your data.

The data will be kept in our files as long as the purposes for which the user provides their data are maintained and will not be disclosed to third parties without your prior consent. inLicitando guarantees confidentiality in the processing of personal data and the application of security measures stipulated by current regulations.

Your data may also be communicated to other third party service providers under the terms of the corresponding data processing contract.

To exercise the rights of access, rectification, cancellation, opposition, portability or the right to be forgotten as provided by law, the owner of the data may write to inLicitando at For any complaint regarding the processing of your personal data, you may contact the competent supervisory authority (Spanish Data Protection Agency,




inLicitando informs users that it may use cookies* for data acquisition to facilitate accessibility to this website. These cookies do not control individual information, but anonymous so that the website can retrieve information about your preferences.

*A cookie can be defined as a text file that a web server has the ability to send to the browser and is subsequently stored on your system.

The user has the ability to configure your browser to be warned on screen of the reception of cookies and to prevent the installation of cookies on your hard drive. Please refer to your browser instructions and manuals for more information.




These General Conditions are governed by Spanish law.

Incorporate the following legal notice in the contact form on the inLicitando website:




The confidentiality of your personal data is a fundamental aspect for us. This policy is intended to explain how and for what purposes we use information collected about you through the Web site. Please read this Privacy Policy document carefully. By using the Site and the services offered on the Site, you agree to be bound by the terms of this Privacy Policy with respect to information collected about you through the Site.

If you have any doubts or questions regarding this policy, please do not hesitate to contact us by sending an e-mail to




The information you provide will be strictly used to respond to the request you make by filling out this contact form.





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