Author: inlicitando_wp

[rev_slider alias="servicios-header-122" slidertitle="articles-of-interest header"][/rev_slider] What is a public bidding process? 1. Concept of public bidding2. Types of tenders in Spain3. Examples of tenders4. Awarding of tenders in Spain5. How to bid in Spain01 What is a public bidding process and how does it work? Based on the definition in...

[rev_slider alias="servicios-header-122" slidertitle="articles-of-interest header"][/rev_slider] Common mistakes when submitting a bid 1. How to avoid mistakes when participating in a public bidding process2. Errors according to the stages of a public bidding processIdentification of the advertisementDownloading and reading the bidding documentsIdentification of key pointsPresentation of the offer01 How to...

[rev_slider alias="servicios-header-122" slidertitle="articles-of-interest header"][/rev_slider] Main points for a perfect score 1. Valuation Criteria2. Keys to maximize our score01 Introduction - Valuation Criteria In order to try to obtain the highest possible score in a public procurement procedure, we must first consider a fundamental concept to measure our chances of...

[rev_slider alias="servicios-header-122" slidertitle="articles-of-interest header"][/rev_slider] Documents required to participate in public bids 1. Documentation required in public bids2. Pre-bidding and bidding phase3. Conditions accreditation phase4. Final recommendations01 Importance of the documentation required in public bidding processes The participation in a public bidding requires an important presentation of specific and recurrent...

[rev_slider alias="servicios-header-122" slidertitle="articles-of-interest header"][/rev_slider] European Single Procurement Document (ESPD) DEUC / ESPD1. DEUC - Spanish acronym: Documento Europeo Único de Contratación2. Acronyms in English: European Single Procurement Document01 What is the DEUC/ESPD? The European Single Procurement Document (ESPD) consists of a declaration of the financial situation, capabilities and suitability...

[rev_slider alias="servicios-header-122" slidertitle="articles-of-interest header"][/rev_slider] Guarantees in public bidding Types of Warranties1. Provisional guarantee2. Definitive guarantee2.1 Supplemental warranty3. Return of Warranty4. Payment guarantees01 Guarantees in public bidding In Public Procurement, guarantees are regulated and applied with the main objective that the Administration ensures that the entrepreneurs/awardees, either in the bidding...

[rev_slider alias="servicios-header-122" slidertitle="articles-of-interest header"][/rev_slider] Presentation to a public bidding in a joint venture advantages for SMEs Legal framework: art 69 of Law 9/2017 of November 8 on Public Sector Contracts (LCSP) defines in its first point; "Public sector contracts may be awarded to business associations that are...

[rev_slider alias="servicios-header-122" slidertitle="articles-of-interest header"][/rev_slider] Subcontracting in public procurement Subcontracting in the Law1. What is new in the LCSP in terms of subcontracting?2. Which parts of the contract can be subcontracted?3. Which parts of the contract cannot be subcontracted?Subcontracting and SMEs4. Advantages of subcontracting for SMEsSubcontracting in the...

[rev_slider alias="servicios-header-122" slidertitle="articles-of-interest header"][/rev_slider] Steps in a Public Bidding Process 1. Phases of the public bidding process - Macro and Regulatory Scope2. Steps in the public bidding process - Micro and procedural scope.01 Phases of the public bidding process - Macro and regulatory scope In our current regulatory framework...

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