Documents required to participate in public bids

1. Documentation required in public bids
2. Pre-bidding and bidding phase

3. Conditions accreditation phase
4. Final recommendations


Importance of the documentation required in public bidding processes

The participation in a public bidding requires an important presentation of specific and recurrent documentation, normally specified in the bidding documents. Having a clear idea of what this prior documentation is, keeping it in order and updated, saves crucial time at the time of submitting it to a public tender that represents a business opportunity with the State.


In order to analyze what this documentation is, it is necessary to take into account the moments in which each document is requested in the phases involved in a public bidding process:


1. Pre-bidding and bidding phase.

2. Conditions accreditation phase.


Pre-bidding and bidding phase

In the pre-bidding and bidding phase we responsibly declare that we meet certain requirements. It is important to make sure that you have all the documentation to avoid losing time if you are provisionally awarded the contract.
The requirements are:
  • Legal personality: Document stating “who we are” (Articles of Incorporation, Company Tax ID or DNI/NIE in the case of an individual).
  • Power of attorney: Notarial deed or document stating who will sign for the company, granting power of attorney to contract with the Administration.
  • Capacity to contract: In order to participate in a bidding process and be selected as a contractor, certain solvency requirements must be met:
    • Financial solvency: Sufficient financial capacity to support the provision of the service, the execution of the works or the supply of the order object of the contract. To this end, a certain sales figure is requested, which will be accredited by means of the presentation of the audited Annual Accounts deposited at the Mercantile Registry.
    • Technical solvency: Demonstrable previous experience, confirming that the work to be tendered for has been carried out in the past. To this end, it is advisable to collect certificates of good execution that can prove such experience.
    • Occasionally they may request to have a Civil Liability or Professional Insurance policy, instead of the sales figure mentioned in the economic solvency detail.


  • Not being subject to any prohibition to contract: Basically that there are no outstanding debts with the Tax Administration and Social Security.
  • Quality Certificates such as ISO, OHSAS or AEMPS: It is necessary to take into account that they will vary depending on the object and the specifications established in order to be able to submit a bid.
  • ROLECE / RELI: These are Official Registers at national level (ROLECE) and in Catalonia (RELI) whose electronic registration speeds up the accreditation of the conditions for participation in a public tender, as well as providing access to Simplified and Supersimplified procedures.


Conditions accreditation phase

In the phase of accreditation of conditions, once the bids received are analyzed, the representatives of the best valued (highest score in the assessment of both qualitative and quantitative aspects), will be proposed as provisional awardees. At this point, the public body that announced the tender will request the accreditation of all the documentation that demonstrates that the required conditions are met (all those set out in the previous point).

The accreditation of all the conditions is essential for the bid to be definitively declared the winner and for the contract to be signed.


Finally, before signing the contract, it is necessary to comply with the rest of the requirements for the formalization, including the correct presentation of the definitive guarantee in its different forms: AVAL, Credit and Surety Insurance, etc. By law, this will represent 5% of the final amount awarded.


It is important to bear in mind that the presentation to a tender in the form of a Temporary Joint Venture (UTE), the accreditation of Solvency by external means, the modalities of challenging the decisions of the Contracting Body, etc. will be successful tools to face with confidence the business opportunities that arise from public tenders in Spain.


Final recommendations

To choose a tender in which to participate, we must first find out about current business opportunities. To do this we recommend delegating the daily search work to a personalized alert, if you are interested in learning more about how it works you can read here.


Once you have learned of the opportunity and have selected a tender in which to participate, it is important to download all the bidding documents and check each one, since this is where all the documentation that must be submitted is specified in detail. It is likely that more documentation will be required in a large construction project than in a bid for the supply of stationery.


Another important step is not to forget to verify the validity date of the documents to be presented, since this is a mistake that can exclude us from participation.


Since having the documentation up to date is essential to be able to contract with the Administration, from we recommend hiring an external advisor before submitting the bid to reduce the chances of common mistakes and to have confidence in the proposal made. shall not be responsible for the content of any web site to which it makes reference.

Multiply your business opportunities in the Public Sector

Whatever your sector, participation in public tenders can only offer you important business opportunities.

    Are you registered in any Official Bidders Register (ROLECE, RELI...)?

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